
Milestone: Kick off meeting


D1.1. Project management plan

D1.2 Data management plan

D1.3 Quality assurance plan


  • Acquiring and sending climate data and air pollution data to UNSA
  • Landscaping and archeological work on Koposici and Krizevici
  • Producing plans for condition assessment
  • Producing plans for the sensor materials

Milestone: STECCI website beta version


D7.1 DEC plan

D7.2 STECCI website


  • Producing a plan for the acquisition of 3D models
  • Producing a plan for the virtual tour
  • Development of the STECCI social innovation labs – methodology and handbook
  • Collecting economic outputs
  • Sending the first draft of the STECCI platform
  • Introducing project branding
  • Plan for media and communication and PR for the first 6 months